The New Music was made with the help of committee members of Young Parkinsons Ireland (YPI). These members have now set up a separate group called EOPD.IE. This is a support group providing information, advocating, raising awareness and offering support for Early Onset Parkinson’s in Ireland.
Parkinson’s Disease is now the second fastest growing neurological condition and it is generally considered an older person’s disease. This can leave newly diagnosed Early Onset people feeling isolated. EOPD.IE aims to reach out to as many people as possible living with Early Onset Parkinson’s in Ireland, offering information and support from people who understand.
The New Music partnered with young people living with Parkinson’s throughout the making of the film and all profits are devolved to support Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease Ireland.
Associazione Progetto Benessere PARKINSONauti Imperia APS is a new reality in Imperia (IM), Italy. It unites Parkinson's patients, family members and supporters in a group that aims to discuss, work together to fight the disease and to help others understand that Parkinson's is not the end of the game but a new beginning.
Together with Associazione Prendiamoci Per Mano Albenga, this group brought The New Music to Imperia, Chiara Viale’s hometown, in May 2024 within the event Alta Voce.
Associazione Prendiamoci Per Mano APS is based in Albenga (SV), Italy, and was born from the will of a group of parkinsonians and their families.
Prendiamoci Per Mano organizes and manages various events and activities in the area to raise awareness among the people directly involved in sharing and managing the consequences of Parkinson's, but also among those close to them to increase their awareness and support them in times of difficulty. Furthermore, the association supports activities and events organized by other organizations across the Country, aimed at giving voice and strength to those who find themselves having to deal with Parkinson’s.
Associazione Italiana Giovani Parkinsoniani ODV was born from the meeting of six people who shared the experience of Young Onset Parkinson’s with the aim of informing, helping and sharing. It is the fruit of the awareness of a group who were diagnosed with the disease before turning fifty, to whom Parkinson's has shown a different face from the collective imagination that tends to associate Parkinson’s with the world of the elderly.
A.I.G.P. wants to improve the dissemination of knowledge of Young Onset Parkinson’s, to encourage patients to communicate and support each other. The number of people who come into contact with A.I.G.P. is becoming higher every day. Through the web page, territorial distances are broken down and it becomes possible to exchange opinions and ideas and be a listening and reference point. At A.I.G.P. information plays a crucial role as a vehicle of knowledge and the main tool to concretely improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson's and their families.